4 simple changes to boost your site’s SEO

One of the most fundamental SEO skills is to know how to optimise a standard page, and this should inform your page design. Here, then, are the important things you need to do to ensure that every page on your site ranks well. None of these tips are complicated, and can all be included as part of your web design.
1. Start your page title with a keyword
Remember that your title tag remains probably the most important on-page SEO factor. If you can, you should start your title off with the main keyword you’re targeting.
So, if your keyword is ‘Easy vegan recipes’, go with a title like ‘Easy vegan recipes you need to try in 2017’, or ‘Easy vegan recipes that won’t break the bank’. It won’t always be possible to have your keyword first, but keep it as close to the beginning of your title as possible.
2. Make sure you’ve got an SEO friendly URL
It can be tempting to just let your website come up with your URLs, especially if your CMS does so automatically. However, these automatically generated URLs are often a bit too long. Instead, you should aim to make your URL slug as short and as close to the keyword as possible.
Again, let’s take the easy vegan recipe example. Ideally, you’d like your URL to be ‘www.yoursite.com/easy-vegan-recipes’. Why? This makes it very clear to the search engine what your page is about, especially when combined with your page title.
3. Include images and videos
It’s tempting to think of this as a non-measurable technique, but actually it’s not. You see, by adding images and videos to your page, people are more likely to stay on it – we’re visual creatures, after all. If they stay on page, your bounce rate improves, and there have been a number of studies showing that bounce rate can have an impact on how well your pages perform.
4. Link out
In the old days of SEO, it was considered a bad idea to add hyperlinks to external sites, because site owners thought they’d be giving away their ‘link juice’. Thankfully, things have changed, and you should now make an effort to link to relevant external sites.
Why? The search engines reward pages that offer real value, and pages that offer real value link to other useful resources, because that can help their readers.
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If you’re interested in a new website that’ll help your business increase its profits, get in touch with iprogress today – we’d love to help you.