Three ways to get more website traffic

For any business owner or marketer the number one goal is, usually, to get more customers. Following at a close second is often to get more traffic to their company website because of course more traffic = more customers! Here are just three important ways to increase traffic to your site in no time.
1. Pay attention to SEO
SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is becoming increasingly important in the world of online presence. With hundreds of thousands of companies all battling for those top spots on Google, it becomes vital that you should ensure any copy on your website is optimised for search engines. There’s a number of ways to do this; from alt tags to internal links to meta links. SEO doesn’t have to take ages and will certainly give your website traffic a boost.
2. Your website must be responsive
A website design that looks stunning on a desktop or laptop PC is brilliant. However, it becomes almost instantly useless if that same website is not optimised for mobile use as well. The use of mobile phones and tablet devices for browsing the web is on the up, and if your site can’t be viewed on certain devices then your visitor stats are going to drop off the edge very quickly.
3. Make sure your website is fast
It’s no secret that humans consider their time to be inherently valuable, and one sure-fire way to see potential customers abandon your website in favour of someone else’s, is if it’s slow. Within your website design you can optimise your pages for speed, including reducing image size and editing page structure. When your website responds quickly, the pages are fast to load and clicking through to other pages takes but a matter of seconds, you’re more likely to see visitors staying on your site for longer.
These are only three of the many ways in which you can boost traffic to your website. If you are in need of top quality web design, complete with professional Search Engine Optimisation, then contact iprogress today to see how we can help.