Web design trends that have been taking 2018 by storm

The world of web design is, just like anything else in the digital world, progressing and evolving at an alarmingly speedy rate. Indeed, with websites now absolutely fundamental to the success of many businesses, companies the world over are competing to make their websites the most aesthetically-pleasing, navigable and informative. So what are the major trends 2018 has been experiencing in the world of web design so far?
Increased emphasis on mobile usability
The importance of creating mobile-friendly websites has never been more vital in 2018. According to data from Statista, 52.2 percent of all website traffic worldwide was made via mobile phones, making it the most popular platform through which to browse the internet.
In this way, there is an onus on web developers to construct websites that are easy to navigate on mobile phones, and that can adjust their screen size and resolutions to suit different mobile browsers. Google now penalises websites that are unresponsive, pushing them far down search engine optimisation (SEO) rankings and driving away potential customers.
Increased use of video
As our attention spans become increasingly short and our brains become ever more wired towards visual content, website developers are having to adjust to users’ needs. According to some fascinating statistics from Inc., the average person gets distracted within eight seconds, meaning content developers have to work hard to keep visitors’ eyes on the screen. One of the best ways to do this is through the use of online video. Large blocks of text can seem dull or difficult to the average website visitor, so marketers and developers are starting to scale important content down into bitesize chunks of video.
Many people are catching on to the power of visual content, and 2018 is quickly becoming the year of video. The use of 360 video is one great example of this. Many retailers and big name brands have used the technology as its novelty and innovative qualities draw in scores of web users.
Simplified websites
While, on the one hand, some elements of websites have become far more sophisticated and multi-faceted, 2018 has seen a growing desire for simple and minimalist web design. Web users tend not to see the internet as a novelty or a visually exciting stimulus any more, but rather a functional tool that can be used to fulfil a range of work and everyday tasks.
In this way, many users favour a utilitarian approach to web design rather than an artistic one: scroll-based and split-content animations have been simpler and more usable, for example, and websites using a confusing number of pictures and an array of fonts now look a little outdated and garish. What’s more, simple websites are easier to adapt for mobile browsers.
Bright colours
Just because websites are becoming increasingly minimalist does not mean they are shying away from exciting colours. 2017 marked the year in which bold imagery, bright-coloured typography and exciting videos came into play to catch the attention of web users. This trend has continued into 2018, and web designers are becoming braver with their use of colour and imagery.
At iprogress, we are dedicated to delivering highly responsive and beautifully constructed websites to our customers. We are also committed to staying on top of current website trends and technologies, allowing our clients to stay ahead in the digital world. Find out more about our web design services on our web design section.
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